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Stop those rumours now!
Posted on September 13, 2001 at 18:55:52:
In Reply to: There will be no end to monkey.. EVER posted by Adrian on September 13, 2001 at 09:14:28:
Angie MSTD says:-
Chief Wiggim - "Awww shucks"
Adrian, the next time i see you, i'll give you a hug. OK, when i see YOU...TOMORROW...FOR...REHEARSAL.
Dear everyone,
Sorry there has been little news over the past weeks, but we have been busy writing new material for a whole new set and recordings.
We will be appearing in Circuit magazine which will be hitting the shops(!) on Monday 17th September. We think it will be in Hmv and other types of places like that. We'll also be putting up a news article soon:)
And yes, the will be no end to monkey..EVER..EVER..EVER even when you think there is nothing left, and that last album with songs featuring Dog Notes, LL Cool J, Vanessa Paradis and Curiosty Killed The Cat. We'll still be back for more.
love Angie
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